Client: BSM – Pompeu Fabra University
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Year: 2018
Surface Area: 200 m2
Creative Director: Ignasi Llauradó
Team: Anna Garreta, Ana Carril
Photography: Aitor Estévez
Services: Interior Design, product design, user wellness
Press clipping:

Koiné Space, – Pompeu Fabra University , Barcelona

Reformulating the way to connect and learn between people

deardesign has finished the second part of the interior design project at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) Barcelona School of Management, after having finalised the classrooms project, recognised with the German Design Award 2018.

This time has been the Gallery, where the library was located formerly. The space, which had to keep the essence of remain changeable, was conceived within two clear and defined areas, separated by a glass wall: the studying and work room, and the socialisation area. The last one attended the needs to create a meeting point where students from different branches and courses of the school could get in touch, make synergies, and transversal connections.

Galeria BSM-UPF. Espacio sociabilización

The social area had to be an open space totally adaptable according to the needs of each moment, being able to generate the following scenarios, also on a simultaneous way:

_standard distribution (regular daily use)
_projections and exhibitions
_institutional acts and events
_events with catering service

With the aim of creating a cosy atmosphere and to potentiate the interaction between students, we proposed to make the ceiling disappear and to run away of the strictness of the false ceiling already installed.

For that, we designed a grid with a random appearance but in fact it was following a defined sequence depending on the functions that the space should offer in every zone and possible scenario. With lines placed at different heights, from each one are pending the exhibitive supports, boards, and the suspended lighting system.

Galeria BSM-UPF. Espacio estudio2

As for the lighting, we changed into a dimmable system that allowed to adapt the intensity of light according to the ambiance desired. We chose a warm lighting that was reinforced by spotlights, and the decorative standing lamps TMM by Miguel Milà for Santa&Cole and Cala of Marset. At the study room we installed Tolomeo from Artemide, helping to recreate the atmosphere of a library and the feeling of working and focus space.

The pieces of furniture were chosen under a relaxed style so they could adapt to the different uses that the space had to implement. The tables and boards chosen are from Open Desk, there are also pieces of Vitra, Sancal and Enea.

deardesign’s team was responsible of designing the bleachers, movable by the same way as at the classrooms, also the furniture where to charge battery for mobile devices and laptops; the boards were also designed in-house. All these pieces were designed with a style that could connect with the rest of selected furniture granting aesthetic uniformity.

It is worth to mention the potentiation of the space towards the exterior. This has been possible of the exploitation done at the outside area and the link created with the interior. Through a green wall inspired by a conceptual reinterpretation placing vinyl over the tiles. This allowed us an easy-to-maintain solution, as for the lack of natural plants.
The wall is thought to be intervened and altered depending on the season, so by this way we contribute to create an alive space, with possibilities of linking to arts and to expand the possibilities of application within the different events scheduled at the UPF BSM.

The Gallery of the BSM – Pompeu Fabra University  has already become a space of reference within the culture area of Barcelona, and in there have happened many successful events already, having hosted at the same time an area with DJ, poetry lectures, book selling, and lounge zone, like the recently finished Laberint Festival.

Galeria BSM-UPF. Espacio sociabilización. Vista muro exterior